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What is a good Bible stud?

What is a good Bible stud?

Really, people? This is how far we've come? For years, we women have worked hard within our cultures to fight the objectification imposed by shallow men who only see us for our bodies and usefulness. Centuries—nae, millennia!—of being reduced to measurements, hair color, other…things. Packed into neat little categories like "good cook," "fertile," "biddable," and…other…things. I lament the fact that Dr. Sandra Glahn even has to write a book with the title Vindicating the Vixens in order to defend the "sexualized, vilified, and marginalized women" who should be our role models, not our cautionary tales!

Having gained a modicum of respect and dignity in this chauvinistic, misogynistic, red-pilled, Fortran-loving—no, wait, Fortran is a programming language—4chan-loving culture, are we now going to turn around and impose the same standards on men? Do we really need to rate the men in the Bible by how "manly" they are? What are the criteria? Strong? Able to live in the wilderness with nothing but a pocketknife and a bit of twine? Bathes only in a mountain-fed river? And what does "good" mean in this context? Morally upright and personally pure? Unafraid of the corrupt powerful? Able to influence people and draw them into God's kingdom without taking advantage of them or seeking personal reward?

This is not The Bachelor, ladies! These were real men who lived real lives with real struggles and triumphs! We can't put them through some kind of rubric and rate their flaws and virtues! That is not how you study the Bible!

Shame on you!

It's totally John the Baptist.

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Although, it kinda sounds like Bear Grylls.

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